We provide a state-of-the-art measure of flourishing to promote employee well-being.
Work is changing.
The rapidly changing dynamics of the workplace, especially within the context of COVID-19, has exposed the need for companies to support employee well-being in new, more holistic, ways.
New paradigms are needed.
Traditional well-being programs that focus solely on physical and mental health are inadequate for the workplace of tomorrow. A more comprehensive view of employees as persons is required – companies must know what makes people truly flourish.
We manage what we measure.
A holistic understanding of employee flourishing requires new measurements and tools. Flourishing Metrics has developed the The Flourish Assessment in conjunction with faculty at Harvard University in partnership with Harvard's Human Flourishing Program.
Problems are not solved in isolation.
Developing workplace solutions and identifying programs that move the needle for employees and businesses are best done collaboratively. That's why we are forming the Flourish Network.
Join the research collective! In partnership with Harvard's Human Flourishing Program, Flourishing Metrics is empowering the world's first corporate research collective to study and improve human flourishing among Global 1000 companies. See how you can participate in this exciting effort.
Flourishing Metrics is partnering with Executive Networks to develop an exclusive network of senior HR leaders to discuss the results and data of the research collective. The goal of the network is to develop and implement actionable HR programs that will tangibly improve employee well-being and drive business results.

Our Mission

Founded in 2020, Flourishing Metric's mission is to help companies promote employee well-being within the context of new workplace realities in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. We believe the future of the workplace is forever changed and employers need to embrace a more holistic view of human well-being. Traditional approaches to well-being that focus solely on employee physical and mental health, while important, are no longer sufficient. Our goal is to bring a more holistic view and understanding of the human person to corporate executive teams - what we call human flourishing.
We have licensed Harvard University's Flourish Index, and together with our own proprietary research methodology, we are bringing to market a scientifically validated measure of well-being, the Flourish Assessment.
Flourishing Metrics LLC was founded as a joint-venture partnership between Harvard University, Executive Networks, and faculty and researchers at Harvard's Human Flourishing Program.