The Flourish Project
We believe employee well-being needs an overhaul. Well-being is becoming more important to employees and the overall health of organizations. Traditional approaches that focus solely on employee physical and mental health, while important, are no longer sufficient. A more holistic picture and understanding of the human person is needed, and COVID has brought this into sharp relief.
For organizations ready to take employee well-being to the next level, we have launched The Flourish Project. The mission of the project is to provide evidence-based tools and resources to strengthen their employees’ flourishing. The Flourish Project accomplishes this through two components: 1) The Flourish Research Collective, and 2) The Flourish Network.

The Flourish Research Collective

In partnership with Harvard University, we are bringing a scientifically validated measure of well-being, the Flourishing Assessment™, to organizations across the world to help measure and improve employee well-being. Members of the collective administer the Flourishing Assessment™ each year, and receive this report with actionable results and benchmark norms. In addition we can offer a brief pulse (the Flourish Index) to help organizations track employee well-being on a more regular basis. The report provides the overall Flourish score for your company or group, and your top 7 priority areas. This will help you focus your employee well-being efforts on the most important areas for your organization.
The Flourish Network
Members of The Flourish Network receive ongoing support, resources and best practices with respect to promoting employee well-being and human flourishing. This network is organized and hosted in partnership with Executive Networks, a leading global peer-to-peer platform provider. This network provides round tables, keynote speakers, as well as best practices and other exclusive resources curated from global leaders among our member organizations. Our members are innovative, forward-thinking organizations that provide mutual support and extensive resources to the entire network.